Sunday 13 April 2008

Oozing with creativity!!

Today i have my creativity flowing again!
For weeks now, ive had a head full of ideas but not had a)time or b) been able to focus.
And now so far this morning ive made a doll, with my four year old who had a fantastic time, just being allowed to 'help' with pins and stuffing and sitting on my lap at the sewing machine. Okay so i know shes bald and naked but she wont always be!lol!

Coconut biscuits,lemon drizzle cake and scones are a few things ive churned out of my oven this morning(Oh my goodness whats happened!!??) Although the scones soon went and the biscuits are on the way out already!!
And the photo on my previous post showing my work in progress is now complete.

After being inspired by one of the many fabulous blogs i read i thought id have a go at preserving m
y daughters pictures.My four year old drew a lovely picture of our family,pets included,then i traced the picture onto fabric(see photo in last post) with a fabric pen and then i have embroidered her picture and i intend to put it in a frame to put on her bedroom wall if i can find one the right size.
Heres hoping i havent burnt my creativity out already......