Monday 21 September 2009

Monday 24 August 2009

Punting,Produce and petite fingers

What a manic week, i think the children will be going back to school for a rest, i can honestly say we have had a fantastic summer so far, last week we visited my sister in the beautiful city of cambridge, and we chose a lovely week the weather was glorious and we took a trip on one of the punts which was a really relaxing way to spend 45minutes of our day.My greenhouse has had many goodies to offer us this year including beautiful baby plum tomatoes, mini cucumbers,chillis,peppers and aubergines i recommend to anyone without green fingers to give it a go because i can assure you i dont have them, it really is so straightforward i urge you to have a go!
My girls have been asking for weeks to help get them started embroidering, i was so very impressed with their enthusiasm and my 6 year old can sew stitches which make mine look amateur and my 3 yr old was having a whale of a time.

Thursday 16 July 2009

Teacher gifts

So my eldest daughter has just completed her second year at school and has had the same teacher two years running, last year she made her teacher a painting on a canvas, but this year i thought something a little more subtle and useful was called for, so having found my inspiration from this lady at lost button studio, although i have to say i struggled somewhat with the flatness of my bookmarks i feel i should maybe have put them under the car tyre and flattened them, well thats what my husband suggested anyway!

Anyway i have decided to not send these as a gift for the teacher but to keep them for myself as they are maybe a little too rustic for a gift and need to be perfected a little first.

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Sweet Peas

So its been over a year since ive posted....... how bad is that, there must be a psycological link between here and my creativeness as i havent sewn a sausage since then! I have a list of things that i want to sew but just where to start?
I will try to keep my blog updated now in the hope that it may inspire me to be fruitful in my stitchery.
These beautiful sweet peas are one of my successes of the summer so far.

Sunday 13 April 2008

Oozing with creativity!!

Today i have my creativity flowing again!
For weeks now, ive had a head full of ideas but not had a)time or b) been able to focus.
And now so far this morning ive made a doll, with my four year old who had a fantastic time, just being allowed to 'help' with pins and stuffing and sitting on my lap at the sewing machine. Okay so i know shes bald and naked but she wont always be!lol!

Coconut biscuits,lemon drizzle cake and scones are a few things ive churned out of my oven this morning(Oh my goodness whats happened!!??) Although the scones soon went and the biscuits are on the way out already!!
And the photo on my previous post showing my work in progress is now complete.

After being inspired by one of the many fabulous blogs i read i thought id have a go at preserving m
y daughters pictures.My four year old drew a lovely picture of our family,pets included,then i traced the picture onto fabric(see photo in last post) with a fabric pen and then i have embroidered her picture and i intend to put it in a frame to put on her bedroom wall if i can find one the right size.
Heres hoping i havent burnt my creativity out already......

Sunday 30 March 2008

Spring day!

Well what a gorgeous sunny day today,we have spent the day as we always do when he weather is fine in the garden, so everything in the house has been neglected!
This is my latest project which i will post when i have finished it which wont be long now.
I have to share my latest find which i have fallen in love with, i never have been good at keeping up with a cleanse, tone and moisturise routine until now, a friend of mine recommended Liz Earle
beauty products so i treated myself and i now look forward to my twice daily treat of cleanse and polish,instant boost skin tonic and a luscious moisturiser, they just smell divine and feel great!!

Thursday 6 March 2008

Pink Playdough

We have finally ran out of shop bought playdough so i thought it was about time i made some.It was so easy and much much cheaper than shop bought dough, there are loads of variations around but this is mine(well the only way i know how to actually!)

2 cups flour
2 tablespoons oil
1 cup salt
2 cups water
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
Food colouring

Mix it all together in a bowl and then put in the microwave on high for a couple of mins, it may need longer depending on what the wattage is of your microwave, and be careful because its hot but carefully mix with a spoon and your fingers until it looks like this-Put it back in the microwave if its still too gooey,Have Fun!!